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Feel the Grip, Not the Slip: RTP Ultragrip Socks Revolutionize Court Sports Feat. Son Heung Min
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Feel the Grip, Not the Slip: RTP Ultragrip Socks Revolutionize Court Sports Feat. Son Heung Min

Son Heung Min Tennis

When it comes to high-impact sports like tennis and pickleball, every detail counts, and it starts right at your feet. Road to Pro's RTP Ultragrip Socks are meticulously engineered with the athlete's performance and comfort in mind. Originally inspired by the gear of one of the world's top soccer strikers, Son Heung Min, these socks have been adapted for the hardcourt, offering unparalleled stability and balance. We’ve tailored these socks to cater specifically to the rigorous demands of court sports where a stable footing can make all the difference between a game-winning shot and a near miss.

Engineered for Excellence: Fine-tuned for our Sports

Our RTP Ultragrip Socks are born from that same lineage of excellence, fine-tuned for the demands of tennis, basketball, and pickleball players who battle on hard surfaces. Unlike the socks designed for the softer turf of soccer fields, our version brings enhanced cushioning to the court. We added extra padding to the sole, offering unparalleled comfort and shock absorption.

Our state-of-the-art non-slip padding is ingeniously positioned both inside and outside the sock to ensure that every movement is stable and precise. This ensures a locked-in fit, negating any slide within your shoe that can cost you precious milliseconds in response time—a non-negotiable in fast-paced court sports.


Performance and Injury Prevention: The Ultimate 2 in 1

RTP Ultragrip socks aren’t just about performance; they’re about protection. Toe-nail bruising and blisters on the base of the foot are a common, yet avoidable, pain point for many players. Our socks are meticulously designed to prevent the toe jamming and blisters that's all too familiar to enthusiasts and pros alike. Say goodbye to lost toenails and hello to enduring comfort, game after game. 

Tested by the Best

The journey of our Ultragrip socks from concept to court was no short sprint—it was a marathon of rigorous testing and refinement. Adopted by some of the world's most formidable athletes, these socks have proven their mettle where it matters most.

Ready to transform your game? Step into RTP Ultragrip socks and step up your performance. Your feet—and your score—will thank you.


RTP Ultragrip Socks and Son Heung Min



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